Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Last night, I did something very much out of the ordinary for me.......I forgot to charge my iPhone. Shocking, yes. As amazing a phone as the iPhone, it's nothing without the battery. My battery usually last me one full day of use but it needs the recharging to carry on another day of calls, emails, texts, snapchats, Facebook messages, etc.

Just like our body needs a recharge and we get that through resting or sleeping, our spiritual man needs recharging. We can't go from Sunday to Sunday spiritually and think that our spiritual man isn't affected. A bunch of us look like Wall-E strolling in on Sunday's spiritually.

But just like Wall-E, after spending time in the SON, we leave recharged ready to take on whatever may come! So what about during the week? How can we keep our spiritual man charged up?

I try and pray, read the Word, study the Word, & worship God with music and actions daily. Now life can get hectic with kids, jobs, sports, and other things; but our spiritual well-being should be at the top of our list. I have found myself driving down the road just talking to God or worshipping to a CD. It's in those times that I can find the recharging I need.

How do you recharge your spiritual man during the week? Let us know by commenting below!

Be blessed!

Pastor Dereck

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

One of the Most Powerful Scriptures...(In My Opinion)....

I read this scripture last week while preparing for the sermon. It's the shortest verse but it is, again in my opinion, one of the most powerful verses in the Bible. John 11:35 simply states, "Jesus wept." That's it. Nothing more. No huge dialogue.

Any student of the Word knows why but I want to explain to those who are maybe wondering why. Lazarus had died. Jesus was close to Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary. He heard the news that Lazarus was sick but tarried because He knew that through this God would receive the glory. Did Jesus have the power to heal him? Yes. Could Jesus have made it there before Lazarus died? Yes. But this time, a different kind of miracle was going to take place. As He arrived into town, He was approached by Maratha who told Him that if He would have come, her brother would have not died. Jesus told her, that her brother would rise again. Not in the resurrection that Martha was thinking about, but it was a resurrection where Jesus was about to show His true anointing and authority over death and the grave.

Now let's break this scripture down and lets start with Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God, the One who had the power, the One who had the authority, the One who could heal, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, open deaf ears, and make the lame to walk. He wept. He cried, shed tears, felt grief, felt the sense of loss. The One who would sit on the right hand of the Father, the One who will split the Eastern sky, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, and the list could go on. He felt the overwhelming emotion of grief. He experienced what we all have at one time or another.

When we lost my mother-in-law this year, we felt the overwhelming feeling of grief and sense of loss. We rejoiced in knowing she was no longer in pain but the grief was from not hearing her laugh, tell her jokes, and her just being Amy. There was honestly no one like her. I was terrified of Amy when I first met Courtnie's parents, but 11 years later, that fear was replaced with love and a bond that we shared. We didn't always see eye to eye, I drove on her nerves at times, but I wouldn't trade any of those moments for nothing.

Through that time of grief, I was reminded that Jesus wept. I began to realize how powerful that scripture was and is. When you think at times that no one understands what you are going through, remember Jesus does. When you think that Jesus doesn't understand the void, the pain, the tears, the heart ache that death leaves; just look at this short verse. Memorize it. Write it down. Jesus wept.

Do I still miss Momma Amy? Yes. But I know that soon and very soon, Jesus is going to split the Eastern sky and we will all be going Home. We will get to see Momma Amy again! Why? Because the very One that wept, He died on the cross, overcame death, Hell and the grave, and rose again. Now He is sitting on the right hand of the Father ever making intercession for you and I!

I pray this blessed you! If you would like for our church and us to remember you in prayer, please email my wife and I at!

In Christ,

Pastor Dereck J. White

Monday, August 8, 2016

The "Key" To It All

Here is the BMW M6. A beautiful piece of machine designed and engineered to make any driving experience a grand one. From comfort to luxury to performance this machine has it all! 

As eye catching and breath taking it is, it completely useless without one thing. One small thing designed to fit in your pocket, one small, usually inexpensive (even though this certain one can run around $175) thing can keep this car idle. It can keep it stationary, the engine ineffective, the horsepowers dead, the super chargers quiet; it can keep it locked up somewhere not doing what it's designed to do. What is this powerful, small device? It's the key.

Now for the whole point of this post. No, I'm not a salesman for BMW or their key fobs. I want to show you what was revealed to me a few months back.

The church is primed to be a soul winning, life impacting, Holy Ghost powered, movement destined to fulfill the Great Commission. But as beautiful as our congregations are, as dynamic our worship services can be, as awe inspiring our sermons can be; if we lack one small, simple thing we can be ineffective.
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)
Faith is the key to it all. With faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains. We have to get back to living, depending, praying, seeking God, worshipping on faith. Faith is the key that activates the whole thing. A lot of times we want to have it all figured out, it all lined out, no surprises; but while planning and being organized is a great thing, there has to be a factor of faith inside the whole thing. Faith helps us through the unknown. It helps us lean on the Lord and not our own understanding. Faith turns our focus on God and not on the problem. 
I pray this has blessed you. Connect with me at one of the following... Facebook - @ConroeCOG | Twitter - @RevDereck | Instagram - @revdereck | Email - |

Pastor Dereck