Just like our body needs a recharge and we get that through resting or sleeping, our spiritual man needs recharging. We can't go from Sunday to Sunday spiritually and think that our spiritual man isn't affected. A bunch of us look like Wall-E strolling in on Sunday's spiritually.
But just like Wall-E, after spending time in the SON, we leave recharged ready to take on whatever may come! So what about during the week? How can we keep our spiritual man charged up?
I try and pray, read the Word, study the Word, & worship God with music and actions daily. Now life can get hectic with kids, jobs, sports, and other things; but our spiritual well-being should be at the top of our list. I have found myself driving down the road just talking to God or worshipping to a CD. It's in those times that I can find the recharging I need.
How do you recharge your spiritual man during the week? Let us know by commenting below!
Be blessed!
Pastor Dereck