Have is it ever seemed like no matter how hard you try; you
can’t just get seem to get going forward? Have you ever been in a place where
it just seems you’re stuck in the middle? If we are totally honest with
ourselves, we have all faced that at least one time or another and if you
haven’t faced it; you will. There will come times in our lives that no matter
what we do, it will just seem to either fall apart or never get us anywhere. So
what do we do in those situations? Do we call it quits? Do we throw in the
towel? Do we sit on the sidelines and throw a pity party for ourselves?
I am reminded of the story in Matthew 14:22-33 where Jesus
walks on the water. Now we focus on the walking water miracle and Peter getting
out of the boat to walk on water also; but something happens before then that I
want to focus on. Look at verse 24. It states in the NKJV version that, “But
the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind
was CONTARY.” The word contrary comes from the greek word, “enantios” which we
get over against and opposite from. The wind was contrary to Jesus’ word. Jesus
told His disciples, go to the other side, but a storm was keeping them stuck in
the middle because the wind wasn’t allowing them to move.
Some of us are in that very same spot. We know the Lord has
spoken to us and has given us our directive but the storm we are facing is
holding us back. There have been times we have thought about giving up. We have
thought to ourselves, “What’s the use?” “Is this worth the fight?” Let me
encourage you this morning. Look at verse 25. Jesus began to walk toward them.
Now we shout right there because the miracle of walking on the water happened,
but I want to give you another reason to shout! We can shout because Jesus’
eyes never left the boat! So no matter what we are facing, no matter how the
storm may blow contrary to what God is leading us to; we can hold to the peace
and the joy knowing that God’s eyes have never left us.
Be encouraged. When the enemy fights, it means you are doing
something right. Also, know that everything worth keeping is worth fighting
for! God will go before us and make the crooked places straight! (Isa. 45:2)
Rest assure that the same God that walked on the water to meet His disciples,
is the same God on the throne, and the same God that will walk on the very
storm to meet us.
May God richly bless you,

Pastor Dereck J. White