Monday, January 22, 2018

Who Do You Blame?

A couple of months back, while I still had my Acura (which was one of my favorite cars that I've ever owned), I turned into Starbucks Drive-Thru to grab my usual cup of coffee. As the young lady handed me my coffee, I placed it directly buy the gear shift instead of the cup holder which of course is designed to hold that cup. I got distracted as I easily do, and sped off spilling the cup of coffee into my leather seats which in return soaked the leg of my dress pants. I was on the phone with my wonderful wife, who heard my frustration that my pants where now ruined and my coffee was also ruined. I remember very distinctly getting upset with Starbucks and the young lady who handed me my coffee for a split second until the common sense section of my brain took over. 

I was willing to get mad and upset over my mistake and my wrong doing and blame someone who was totally innocent; because in all honesty I was an idiot. 

As I was driving through town this past weekend, this incident came back to my remembrance. As I begin to think about this, I laughed but then I thought of how many times I actually do blame other people for my own mistakes. Then I began to ponder, how so many times, we blame our current situation, our habits, our behaviors on our background and upbringing instead of taking responsibility for how we act. 

I understand that there are generational curses but I also know that those can be broken. Until we get real with God, God can't get real with us. Just like a GPS uses your "real" location to give you "precise" directions; God needs us to first be real with ourselves, so He can be real with us. The first solution to any problem is first admitting their is a problem.

I am reminded of a passage of scripture found in John 9:1-3, though I encourage to read the entire 9th chapter of John because it is an amazing story. Anyways, the disciples and Jesus come across this man, who was blind from birth. They ask Jesus who sinned, the man OR his parents. Jesus answered, "Neither." In other words, quit looking for someone to blame and just know that the answer lies in Jesus Christ. When we quit blaming everyone and everything and just get real with God and ourselves; that is where healing begins. 

I encourage this week to get real with God. Don't hide anything and don't hold anything back. Remember, James told us that we have not because we ask not. 
