This morning while out on my morning walk, I passed by an older gentleman I usually do on my normal path. Up until this moment all we had said to each other was, "Hello", "Good morning", or the occasional, "How are you today?" However, today was different. I got started a little earlier than I normally do and my pace was at my personal best so I passed by him earlier than I normally do. This morning after I said hello, he stopped me. I took out my earbud as he began to talk. He told me that along the trial, he had kicked a copperhead back into the woods and for me to be careful. I told him that he was braver than me and thanked him, then returned to my walk hoping I could get back to my personal best mile time.
As I began to walk, worship music blaring in my ear buds, my mind went back to the warning from the older gentleman. My focus shifted from looking up and around me to looking down along the path for any signs of a snake. If you know me at all, you know I hate snakes with a passion. Clowns and snakes are my biggest fears. So my entire focus was now on the path and the potential snakes. As I round the part of the trail where I am completely surrounded by woods, my focus became even more intent. It was so intent that I began to ignore the powerful worship music I had blaring my ears. It was at that moment, the Lord spoke to me in an ever so gentle way.
This is was the conversation we had. "Do you see how intent you are looking for snakes?" I replied with, "Yes." "Do you realize your attention has went from worshipping Me to your attention on the snakes?" "Yes", I replied again. It was at this moment, He dropped the hammer per se. "This is how Pastors spend their time. They spend their time looking for the attacks and the threats as good shepherds do but even when there is anointed worship around; their attention is on the threat." "Pastors need to develop a place where they can be safe to just worship. They need to build a community of other pastors and believers to where they can know their flocks are safe and they can get away and worship."
I was silenced by what the Lord has just spoke to my spirit. As I pastor, I am constantly praying, asking God to keep those who attend the church safe. I am looking for threats around us that is meant to destroy and detour and all the while I can get caught up and miss the God moments around me. We must build a community to where we can share prayer requests, thoughts, frustrations, and even hurts without the fear of that being spread around our church or communities.
The common theme in 2020 is, we are all in this thing together. This is truth. We need to be in this thing together. Being a Pastor isn't about the title, the fame, or the stage. It's about growing believers, discipling members to go out and build the kingdom. It is about being the shepherd God has placed you there to be. Doing this takes a lot and we need one another.
I want to let my Pastor friends know, you have a safe place with my wife and I. We are praying for you and we believe in you. If you need someone to agree with you for a need, a place to vent, a place to let frustration go, a place to just cry; you have one here. We will worship with you, pray with you, and just listen if need be.
This is what the Lord laid on my heart this morning. I am praying for my fellow Pastors. I am praying you go out of 2020 and into 2021 with a fresh fire, a fresh anointing, and burning desire to build the kingdom like never before.