Friday, March 2, 2018

Lessons Learned : Being who GOD created ME to BE

Have you ever imitated someone? Maybe a cartoon character, your favorite movie scene, Forrest Gump and his voice, or maybe a boss or family member? We all at one time in our lives, imitated someone.

What I am afraid that has happened in churches is that we have became cookie cutters. We take a formula that works and we just copy it from church to church to church. But God is not in the copying business, God is a CREATOR!!

I have learned his lesson this past year and it was a tough one. I have to remind myself daily that I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!! There is no one else on this planet like Dereck Jay White. So I can't be like other pastors or ministers, I have to be who God created me to be.

So let me encourage you today, BE who GOD called YOU to BE!!! God made you to reach people that I can't reach, to do things that I can't do, and to accomplish feats that only you can. Don't get discouraged when things aren't happening as fast as it seems it is with others; your time will come. Just hold fast to God's promises and stay in your lane that God has you in. He is never early or never too late; HE IS ALWAYS ON TIME!

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